I am writing to you to tell you how much the U Can Danz! program means to us. This is my daughter's fourth year dancing at UCD. She is ten years old. PRIOR to finding Tina's dance program, my shy little girl didn't want to take a dance class because she was too shy to dance in front of anyone. I signed her up for at a dance class at a typical studio but she only lasted two classes because the emphasis was on performing, and it was just too stressful for her. She was the kind of child that got nervous during show and tell time at school.
When she was seven, she attended UCD summer dance camp, had fun and actually performed for the parents at the end of the week (she did still opt out of the Twin's pre-game show). She loved Tina's enthusiasm and chose to sign up for the dance program the following school year. I had to talk to Tina to see if I could sign her up even if she didn't feel comfortable performing in the recitals. Tina was great. She said to sign her up, and that she had never had a child not decide to perform in the recitals. I thought Tina had met her match!! Well, Tina was right! During that dance year, my daughter became so confident and so excited about dance. Being able to say, "I performed at a Timberwolves game!" is incredible for a seven year old! Tina's program is such a self esteem builder, a confidence builder and great non-competitive exercise.
The following year, my daughter came out of her shell. She was actually raising her hand at school and becoming a leader in her class. I owe much of this to Tina and her dance program. Having another adult tell her that they were very proud of her is invaluable!
In Eden Prairie, by the time most girls are in the 2nd grade, they've each danced for many years. It would have been too intimidating to sign my daughter up at any other studio. UCD is all about having fun--not how good you are or how much dance experience you have. In our city, many dance programs are offered to those who want to compete and add stress to the lives of our little people. At UCD, doing your best is ALWAYS enough. It's unfortunate that there aren't more programs (where a positive attitude is more important than winning) like Tina's in our city.
- M.O. (Eden Prairie)
Our family has been with UCD for eight years now. We started when my oldest daughter was in first grade and four years after that, my youngest daughter began dancing with you. My girls adore Tina and enjoy their weekly dance classes immensely. UCD has been a boost to their self esteem and helped shape their body image in a positive way. We are pleased that UCD offers a unique, non-competitive option for girls who enjoy dance and for whatever reason are not attending traditional dance studio classes. We are also appreciative that UCD offers a lower cost alternative than most dance studios. Thanks for all you do!
- M.M. (Eden Prairie)
Tina: I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how important dancing with you at UCD has been for our daughter over the past 7 (!) years! She started as a Kindergartner with 1st and 2nd graders and was immediately made to feel welcome and that she had a “place” in the group. She had a great experience and over the years, has invited many girls to come to UCD to join her. Some of them have continued on like our daughter, and some have now left to pursue other interests, but they all felt as she did – that they belonged at UCD and were encouraged to do their best. In an era where everything becomes so competitive at such a young age, it is truly valuable to have a program that is inclusive of all kids. Our children have already been turned down or turned away from various school or city programs and opportunities due to the large numbers of interested participants. In this very populated city we live in, knowing we can just commit to UCD, be included, and welcome is a very affirming thing for the kids. I know of no other program like UCD, and am very grateful for the many years of fun that our daughter has had. Thank you, Tina!
- C.M. (Eden Prairie)
We appreciate so much the fact that you have spent so much time and effort in finding a positive environment for our girls to practice in - and your program allows those that might not be able to afford some of the "other" dance studios in town a chance to come and be part of the best dance program in our area (and I say this after my experience with two of those "other" dance studios). You truly have become a postive role model for our daughter!
- L.J. (Eden Prairie)
My two daughters absolutely cherish Tina and her dance company. As an educator, I realize how important it is to have children involved in positive extracurricular activities. U Can Danz! Dance Company offers a safe place for individuals to feel proud and confident of their personal accomplishments. It is my sincere hope that it is understood, this is not a typical dance studio. This is an organization, which promotes confidence, exercise, teamwork and positive attitudes. In a world that has become so competitive, it is extremely refreshing to be part of a dance company that promotes the love of dance. U Can Danz! Dance Company has been so important to my daughters and our family. It has become part of our family.
- S.T. (Eden Prairie)
My daughter is going on her 4th year with U Can Danz! Dance Company. I have nothing but good things to say about Tina and her classes. These classes are very non competitive and allow all girls of ages and sizes to have fun with dance and help build their self esteem. My daughter has met many new friends and loves performing many times a year, sometimes in front of thousands of people. Her confidence in dance has also been applied in school and with her friends.
- C.B. (Eden Prairie)
At the beginning of this school year my daughter had a choice. She has done many activities up to this point.This year her father and I had the girls pick one activity to continue. We felt that we were getting spread to thin. We wanted time to enjoy each other, rather than fussing and rushing everywhere, everyday! I was so happy that Geena picked dance. It has been her one steady activity for the last four years. I feel very comfortable leaving Geena at dance. I know Tina is a positive influence on the girls!!! It's sad but I can't say I feel the same way leaving my children at other classes, or even school! Thank you Tina for all you do!!!
- A.V. (Chanhassen)